NordArt 2007: Modern Art Festival in Rendsburg
Must be modern art week – after Thomas talked (quite enthusiastic) about a modern art exhibition in Rendsburg, I decided to visit his now-hometown today.

Nord Art is an annual art event where works of contemporary art are shown in the Carlshütte, a former industrial hall. The hall itself keeps much of its industrial charm with vast empty spaces, rusty machines, stages and various rooms. It’s a really big place which is surprising considering that Rendsburg itself is not that big. It’s definitely bigger than the Deichtorhallen in Hamburg.

So they’ve got the space and what are they going to do with it? Filling it with art of course. The presented works were quite diverse from sculptures, pictures and machines to video installations. The place never felt crammed and some of the works were especially created for the Carlshütte.

The Nord Art also included a second, much smaller exhibition space where most works were for sale. A permanent exhibition is the sculpture park outside.
Not directly related to the Nord Art was the summer fest between the Carlshütte and the train station. They got the usual food stands there, plus local clubs and Rendsburg institution who presented their work there. The musical performances were especially cheesy (although it takes a lot to get on the stage and perform) and Thomas was glad that a Blasmusik group just finished their performance so that I couldn’t film them 😉

Thomas intensively studying a piece of art.
I life in Rendsburg but I didnt know that 🙂
Thanks for telling.