Crafts in Insadong & Veggie restaurant

After walking a bit aimlessly around Seoul I felt hungry and I took the subway 3 (the orange one) to Anguk. I love the Insadong area, especially the nice mall Ssamziegil, which has four floors but no stairs: It is constructed in such a way that you neither have to use the elevator (although there is one) nor use the stairs. Some cafes, restaurants and a place where you can pose as a cover girl/boy are on the top floors, while the rest s filled with crafts. Really nice stuff and great if you are looking for gifts. With my money reserves already depleted, I was window shopping only.

Various items (radio etc) stuck on the wall

I also liked the idea to just hang some ordinary things on the wall, like cushions and radio. In the floor below the basement is an art shop, a restaurant and an exhibition place where they showed dolls and some paintings.


The restaurant I was looking for was in a side street, reachable by foot only. It had a nice wooden interior, an English menu and the owner could speak English too. While in Japan you mix things in your mouth, in Korea “pre-mixing” is done on the dish. So I had to mix the rice with the vegetable before eating it. Koreans also use spoons more often than Japanese. Also typical of Korean restaurants are the steel chopsticks.


Mia Jaap

Journalist, developer and passionate about Japanese and Korean language. Japan is my #1 country for travelling, penguins my favourite animals.

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