Tripod Wonderland and Kanji tests

One thing I’m currently working on is a HD video podcast. I think this distribution form makes much sense because most people I know aren’t registered YouTube users but have an iTunes account.

Buying a tripod for my cameras has nothing to do with this podcast. I just want to take a few good photos of the illuminations. I have already blogged about the Shinjuku Southern Lights, but there are also special illuminations in Yokohama, the area around Tokyo stations and Ebisu.

Usually I buy all things electronic in Shinjuku and not Akihabara. There are multiple Yodobashi Camera stores near the station and also one that’s dedicated to cameras. They have a floor which is reserved for lens filters and tripods. So I bought my tripod there and will probably use it on Sunday for the first time. Unsurprisingly, the first podcast episode will be about illumination.

Today was also the application deadline for the Kanji test! The Kanji Kentei is a test that verifies your knowledge of kanji and the higher levels go far beyond even the JLPT level 1. The lower level correspond to a school year. I applied for level 7 which requires the 640 kanji learned up to the fourth grade of elementary school. Unlike the JLPT you also have to write kanji and now all readings, stroke order/count and the names of the radicals! Note that most Japanese struggle with elementary school kanji (writing, reading is usually fine) since using dictionaries and word processors has become so convenient. The test is held three times a year at various test sites and is not required to enter university or apply for a job – although it can’t hurt if you can show how good you are at kanji. There are several Nintendo DS games for practising for the Kentei.

Mia Jaap

Journalist, developer and passionate about Japanese and Korean language. Japan is my #1 country for travelling, penguins my favourite animals.

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