
Unit Test Party

The dreaded second part of the Unit Test – while we didn’t know if we passed the written part or not, we decided to celebrate after the aural one. I came too late for my test but since it didn’t matter since someone before me was late too (or talked too long with the sensei). While waiting for the last one to finish, lots of photos were taken on the balcony on the fifth floor.

Afterwards everyone went to a restaurant. They had a wireless bumper which you can use to call the waitress.

A slightly smaller group went to the Karaoke center nearby which.

Like many Karaoke centers, it felt more like a palace. Among the songs I sang was “Twist & Shout”, “Bohemian Rhapsody”, “Eat it” (the only “Weird Al” Yankovic song they had), “Enter Sandman” and “Amadeus” (Falco). Oh, and a ballad from L’arc en Ciel, “Jojoushi”.

Looking through the song list

Not everyone one of us felt comfortable with singing however and while Romana performed an enthusiastic version of the Blues Brothers, Michael was quite contend just checking out the song list in the Karaoke remote. There weren’t many German-language songs in the database.

The evening was concluded in Harajuku at a pub not far away from the Hello! Project fan store. The prices were ok, plus we could all sit together.

Oh, by the way: Since this entry was written after the test, I can say that I passed 🙂

Mia Jaap

Journalist, developer and passionate about Japanese and Korean language. Japan is my #1 country for travelling, penguins my favourite animals.

One thought on “Unit Test Party

  • futilitarian

    Congrats on passing the test!! Quite an interesting array of songs you sang, from Metallica to Falco.


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