
Berlin – Garden of Sand

This is my sixth visit to Berlin and today it was primarily to show my mom the Erholungspark Marzahn (Marzahn recreational park) which I visited when I was staying in the capital for two days.

Earlier I read that Berlin has an exhibition of sand sculptures, too. The Sandsation is conveniently placed right next to the central station and didn’t seem to have a general theme like the Sandworld in Travemuende. There were many sculptures and most seemed to aim for a place in an art museum. But no sculpture will survive the exhibition 😉 Although the artists are quite skillful, I like the Sandworld more.

Oriental garden

The oriental garden

From the central station, it was a longer train ride to Marzahn in the east of Berlin. There we had to take the bus to the Erholungspark. This park houses the “Gaerten der Welt” (gardens of the world), artificial gardens mimicking Japanese, Korean and oriental gardens. There are also playgrounds, lots of quiet places and a Chinese garden which is more “open” the aforementioned gardens. Last time I visited this place, I had to pay for a guided tour through the Korean garden because is was not opened for non-guided tours yet. Since I already took a lot of pictures last time, I didn’t make too many today.

Oriental garden

Another picture of the oriental garden.

First we went to the Bali garden, then to the Korean, the Japanese one right next to it, the Chinese one and finally the oriental garden. After that my mom was a bit exhausted and it was already three anyway, so I skipped plans to visit the two other gardens which form the “Gruen Berlin”. The other are Schoeneberger Suedgelaende and the Britzer Garden.

Strange bike

A very strange “bike”

Mia Jaap

Journalist, developer and passionate about Japanese and Korean language. Japan is my #1 country for travelling, penguins my favourite animals.

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