Aoi Sora Organic Cafe in Sapporo

Life is not easy for vegans in Japan, but on the other hand they are usually excellent cooks (at least I assume they are). While there are quite a few vegetarian/vegan places in Tokyo (including the international Loving Hut chain), there are almost none in Sapporo. But there is one near the Maruyama Park where I ate after visiting Hokkaido Shrine and the Maruyama Zoo.

It’s a bio-organic cafe which sells cakes and cookies but also has two dishes. There is a group table and a couple of smaller ones. The drinks are a bit on the pricy side but like at every other Japanese restaurant, (tap) water is free.

My meal consisted of six small dishes, including rice, salad and soup. I like variety and smaller portions so I liked it. The cafe reminded me a bit of Govinda’s, a vegan restaurant in Nakano I wrote about before. Comparing them further makes not much sense I guess, but the Bio Organic Cafe is a place I can recommend. Surprisingly there was also free wifi service (limited to 30 minutes) although I don’t know if it was offered by the cafe.

The owner is a vegan himself and saw that there are not many bio cafes in Sapporo. I guess that’s why he took the opportunity to open one. I didn’t ask him about it, but he likely has many foreign customers – vegetarian places in Japan usually do. Personally I’d like to see a cooking competition between vegans from Tokyo and Sapporo 😉

Directions: Get off at Maruyama Koen on the Tozai Line (orange line) and leave at exit number 6. If you turn right, you will see a sign for Lawson Station, on the left is convenience store with a carrot. Turn right and walk for about six blocks. On your way, you will pass the Sapporo Food Center on your left and the Haruyama Bakery on your right. The cafe is tucked in a side street, but it’s easy to find. Turn right after the building with big glass panels.

Turn right again at the next street and you will see the cafe on your right.

Mia Jaap

Journalist, developer and passionate about Japanese and Korean language. Japan is my #1 country for travelling, penguins my favourite animals.

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