Somewhere on the subway

Finding the sights can be difficult – not all of them are signed out. Of course I checked a few tourist websites but when the map at the station doesn’t show anything and going out through the right exit leaves you in the middle of nowhere, it’s quite difficult to find what you are looking for.

Another thing I was looking for was an ATM accepting foreign cards. The bank that I used yesterday didn’t accept foreign cards today – very strange 🙁 While on the train an elderly Korean spoke to me. At first I didn’t recognize that he talked to me. He just wanted to know where I came from and was quite happy that he had a chance to tell that he once visited Germany too (the southern part as usual).

Shop in Seoul

But being lost didn’t mean that I didn’t find some interesting things. I found the Korean equivalent to the 99 Cent/100 Yen shop: the 990 Won shop! Not very far away from it was an open air furniture sale. I don’t know if the cold weather is good for the wooden cupboards. Oh, speaking of the weather: So far it didn’t rain but it was foggy and cloudy.

Apartments in Seoul

Mia Jaap

Journalist, developer and passionate about Japanese and Korean language. Japan is my #1 country for travelling, penguins my favourite animals.

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