Starbucks Tokyo – A place to study

Way back when I came to Japan to study Japanese, I often went to Starbucks to study. I’m not coming for the coffee (I always order cocoa), but Starbucks seems to be much quieter that other coffee shops. One thing that’s immediately obvious when looking around is that Starbucks is a popular place to study.

These costumers should be really unpopular because those who study tend to stay longer without consuming much coffee/food. However, I think that Starbucks embraced the idea of being just a place to study. At least the coffee shops in Harajuku/Omotesando (near the former place of Kiddy Land) and Nakano Station have long and well-lit tables which are perfect to study. Usually coffee shops are designed to make you fall asleep (warm colors, smooth music).

One thing that Starbucks lacks though is ordering study aids along with your Grande Latte Macchiato: “Latte Macchiato and an English teacher, please” – I wouldn’t be surprised if Starbucks would offer the latter ones in three sizes too 😉

Mia Jaap

Journalist, developer and passionate about Japanese and Korean language. Japan is my #1 country for travelling, penguins my favourite animals.

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